Local College Access Network (LCAN)
Florida College Access Network (FCAN) is at the heart of a movement to ensure all Floridians have the opportunity to achieve an education beyond high school and prosper in our dynamic economy.
Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are community-based networks of education, non-profit, business, and government organizations committed to increasing college and career readiness, access, and completion rates for traditional and non-traditional students within their communities. LCAN members work together to better coordinate and leverage resources that break the barriers preventing students from completing their educations beyond high school.
Polk Vision's Talent Pipeline Team is the backbone of the Local College Access Network. The vision for the Talent Pipeline Team is to drive the development of a rich, industry-responsive talent pipeline to fuel economic mobility for individuals and businesses in Polk County. The Team also serves the LCAN's goal of increasing the number of residents holding a post-secondary degree or credential to 60% by the year 2030.
Polk County Public Schools
Today, Polk County Public Schools is one of the largest school districts in the nation, encompassing more than 120 schools and serving more than 117,000 students through both traditional K-12 schools and a variety of other programs. As the 7th Largest District In Florida Among The 30 Largest Districts In The U.S, the school district’s graduation rate was 82% in 2023-24 school year.
While expanding its physical footprint, Polk County Public Schools has also built a reputation for educational excellence, as evidenced by its nearly 30 nationally accredited workforce academies, six Florida Arts Model Schools, and rising number of schools offering Advanced Placement and Cambridge International programs.
As it grows and innovates, Polk County Public Schools remains true to its mission of delivering a high-quality education to every student … because at Polk County Public Schools students always come first. Be The Future Be U is excited to partner with Polk County Public Schools to deliver information that aligns with your academic goals.
“Funding is through the College Access and Success Initiative 2.0,
a program of the Florida Philanthropic Network, made possible
through funding from the Helios Education Foundation and the
Kresge Foundation and administered through the GiveWell
Community Foundation.”
Partners and Collaborators:
Advent Health
BayCare Health Systems
Career Source Polk
Central Florida Development Council
Citizens Bank and Trust
City of Lakeland
Florida Polytechnic University
Florida Southern College
Keiser University
Lake Wales Charter District
Lakeland Area Chamber of Commerce
Lakeland Regional Health
Polk County Board of County Commissioners
Polk County Public Schools
Polk State College
Southeastern University
United Way of Central Florida
Warner University
Webber International University
Helios Education Foundation: dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals in Arizona and Florida to achieve a postsecondary education. The Foundation’s work is driven by four fundamental beliefs in Community, Investment, Equity, and Partnership. Helios invests in programs and initiatives across the full education continuum – from early grade success through postsecondary education.
The Kresge Foundation: a philanthropic private foundation headquartered in Troy, Michigan, United States. The foundation works to expand opportunities in America's cities through grantmaking and investing in arts and culture, education, environment, health, human services and community development efforts.